White Lace/crochet
Relatively speaking, summer is the season that fashion matters less. Sure, colors, cuts, and prints change every year; but for me, summer is really about staying cool, and look feminine. Summer is probably the only season that I want to look romantic, soft, or even girlish. So despite fashion, that's a guiding line for my summer picks. I'm extremely pleased that 3.1 Philip Lim's spring 2009 collection meets all of my requirements!
White lace/crochet, whether in the form of dress, shirt, or skirt, always look cool, folk, vintage, even though recent designers have tried to make it more modern by giving it geometrical cuttings. Plus, I can't think of anything else that works with golden jewelries better!
Jane Birkin's white lace dress is bold and deadly sexy!
Boogie Nights have always been a fashion inspiration. I watched the movie again today, and man, they all wear white lace/crochet--both men and women! It also turned out that my memory had fooled me, this O.D.ed chick was not wearing a white lace shawl. But still, everything on her still looks fashion today!
And at last, this is my white lace shirt.
Timeless Look 3
John Shea in the movie Missing (1982)
The not-so-well-known movie in 1982 features the missing of American journalist Charles Horman in Chile after the military coup there in 1973, starring Jack Lemmon, Sissy Spacek, and John Shea. While depicting the coup historically, the movie also shows contractions and connections between two different generations and those between the conservatives and the liberals.
The movie gives pretty impressive looks to different characters in the 1970s: Jack Lemmon, the father, always wears tight and a little bit short suit pants, as guys did in the 70s; Sissy Spacek's cardigans and dresses were apparently influenced by the hippies; John Shea's look, I think, is the most timeless one.
It's hard to find a clear photo of Shea's look online. This photo roughly shows how it looks: blue shirt, black tie, light khaki casual trench coat, and brown/chocolate pants. The colors work so well together; and he looks young, casual, but still professional.
You can watch the movie on Youtube, but the colors do not show very well:
OK, to prove the look is timeless, let's look at several other more "contemporary" looks .
Blue+ different brown/khaki/chocolate is a very classic combination for men's wear.
Pictures from The Sartorialist
Article from: The Economist, May 16th-22nd 2009, pp. 90-91.
Translated by: SHIT HAPPENS
Translated by: SHIT HAPPENS
Masters of Sex: The Life and Times of WIlliam Masters and Virginia Johnson, the Couple Who Taught America How to Love. By Thomas Maier. Basic Books; 384 pages; $27.50.
上世纪50年代初期,当William Masters还是华盛顿大学的妇产科副教授时,他想要查阅图书馆里一本关于性生理学的教科书。没门。那本书被认为是色情书籍,因此只有正教授可以查阅。事实上,即便图书管理员偷偷地把书装在棕色袋子里借给他,他也从中学不到什么。在这本Masters和他的研究搭档,Virginia Johnson的新传记里,作者生动地描绘出,在那个年代,人们对性器官几乎一无所知。
自上世纪40年代以来,以另一位美国学者Alfred Kinsey为首的学者开始研究人类性行为。但是Kinsey是从社会学而并非医学角度进行研究的。他报道了人们描述的对自己和他人进行的性行为。但他没有调查任何这些性行为是如何进行的。而Masters和Johnson所进行的试验,则是大胆、严格、甚至奇怪的。在试验中,女志愿者头戴纸袋维护尊严,同时以“尤利西斯”自慰;所谓“尤利西斯”,是一种用树脂玻璃制成,内装摄影机的电动自慰器。数百对夫妇身上被接上电线,在严密的监控下行房。Masters和Johnson的第一本书,1966年出版的《人类性反应》记录了超过12000例高潮。《美国医学协会学报》毫无讽刺意味地感叹:“为什么这项研究现在才来?”
Source: TIME http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1900849,00.html
Translated by: SHIT HAPPENS
“(北莱茵-威斯特法伦州的健康机构)对红牛可乐进行了全面的化学检测,并在其中发现了微量可卡因,”德国联邦政府消费者保护部食品安全署署长Bernhard Kuehnle周六告知德国媒体。根据这项分析,每罐红牛可乐中含可卡因0.13毫克,这并不对人体健康造成严重威胁--你至少要喝12000升红牛可乐才能感觉到它的不良影响--但这极少量的可卡因也足以让人忧心了。本周三,专家们将发布他们对红牛可乐的研究报告,而Kuehnle所属的食品安全署也预定届时公布对红牛可乐的最终处理决定。
同时,在地球另一端深处安第斯山脉的玻利维亚共和国,人们对红牛可乐的纷争嗤之以鼻。古柯是安第斯文化的基本组成部分之一;多年以来,玻利维亚人试图说服世界其他民族除非经过复杂的化学程序被加工成可卡因,古柯叶本身并不是毒品。自己也有种植古柯叶的左翼总统Evo Morales,曾经亲自争取古柯的合法地位,当他出境访问时,他经常在各国领导人及媒体前大嚼古柯叶。“试问,(红牛可乐)没有移除古柯碱,那么全球上百万人有人因为喝了它而生病或被麻醉吗?”Yungas地区的古柯种植领袖Dionicio Nunez说,“我们一直都知道古柯是无害的。也许现在其他人也该明白这一点了。”
在德国,红牛发言人坚称在美国和欧洲,红牛可乐和该公司其他含古柯提取物的饮料均达到安全标准。另外, 一些专家在为红牛可乐辩护。纽伦堡市生物制药研究院院长Fritz Soergel告诉《时代》杂志: “基于红牛可乐中这么微量的可卡因成分就禁售它是没有科学依据的。”他还说:“红牛可乐中的甚至并不是可卡因本身。我们的试验发现它只是一种可卡因的不活泼的退化物。如果你仔细检查其他饮料和食品的成分,你将会大吃一惊。”
然而,没有人知道红牛可乐使用的古柯叶从何而来,又是在哪里被加工处理的。红牛公司没有对此发表评论。而红牛可乐的制造商,澳大利亚食品公司Rauch Trading AG则很快恢复《时代》杂志他们不允许评论该饮料。同时,在玻利维亚,人们为红牛承认使用古柯叶而大感兴奋(因为可口可乐一直回避这个问题)。讽刺的是,红牛可乐并不在玻利维亚销售,但当地居民称,这是一个大好机会让人们了解,不管含不含古柯碱,古柯叶都是无害的。
Translated by: SHIT HAPPENS
“(北莱茵-威斯特法伦州的健康机构)对红牛可乐进行了全面的化学检测,并在其中发现了微量可卡因,”德国联邦政府消费者保护部食品安全署署长Bernhard Kuehnle周六告知德国媒体。根据这项分析,每罐红牛可乐中含可卡因0.13毫克,这并不对人体健康造成严重威胁--你至少要喝12000升红牛可乐才能感觉到它的不良影响--但这极少量的可卡因也足以让人忧心了。本周三,专家们将发布他们对红牛可乐的研究报告,而Kuehnle所属的食品安全署也预定届时公布对红牛可乐的最终处理决定。
同时,在地球另一端深处安第斯山脉的玻利维亚共和国,人们对红牛可乐的纷争嗤之以鼻。古柯是安第斯文化的基本组成部分之一;多年以来,玻利维亚人试图说服世界其他民族除非经过复杂的化学程序被加工成可卡因,古柯叶本身并不是毒品。自己也有种植古柯叶的左翼总统Evo Morales,曾经亲自争取古柯的合法地位,当他出境访问时,他经常在各国领导人及媒体前大嚼古柯叶。“试问,(红牛可乐)没有移除古柯碱,那么全球上百万人有人因为喝了它而生病或被麻醉吗?”Yungas地区的古柯种植领袖Dionicio Nunez说,“我们一直都知道古柯是无害的。也许现在其他人也该明白这一点了。”
在德国,红牛发言人坚称在美国和欧洲,红牛可乐和该公司其他含古柯提取物的饮料均达到安全标准。另外, 一些专家在为红牛可乐辩护。纽伦堡市生物制药研究院院长Fritz Soergel告诉《时代》杂志: “基于红牛可乐中这么微量的可卡因成分就禁售它是没有科学依据的。”他还说:“红牛可乐中的甚至并不是可卡因本身。我们的试验发现它只是一种可卡因的不活泼的退化物。如果你仔细检查其他饮料和食品的成分,你将会大吃一惊。”
然而,没有人知道红牛可乐使用的古柯叶从何而来,又是在哪里被加工处理的。红牛公司没有对此发表评论。而红牛可乐的制造商,澳大利亚食品公司Rauch Trading AG则很快恢复《时代》杂志他们不允许评论该饮料。同时,在玻利维亚,人们为红牛承认使用古柯叶而大感兴奋(因为可口可乐一直回避这个问题)。讽刺的是,红牛可乐并不在玻利维亚销售,但当地居民称,这是一个大好机会让人们了解,不管含不含古柯碱,古柯叶都是无害的。
Timeless Look 2
I love Patti Smith. And I have to say the cover of her album Horses is the most timeless cover I've ever seen.
Picture from http://blogs.lexpress.fr/cafe-mode
The last kind of movie you should watch with your boyfriend
So guess what? The last kind of movie you should watch with your boyfriend is love movies!
Let alone the fact that most guys don't like the "chick flick" thing; unless you and your loved one are a happy couple like in the love movies--unfortunately, most of us are not--love movies could create a lot of awkwardness; or even endanger your relationship.
As women, we like to think, compare, and then think again. A love movie, essentially, is a combination of plots which we can reflect on our own relationship and make comparison. Well that creates troubles. Because men don't like you to do that. I don't even know why. But let me be cynical: they don't feel comfortable talking about certain things in your relationship because they know the truth is painful?
Last night, I watched He's Just Not That Into You with my boyfriend. It's not a great movie, honestly.
But it's fun to watch other people make mistakes in their relationship. As the movie went on, I started to regret my decision. It's one thing to listen to my boyfriend praising: "Scarlett Johansson is hot!" or commenting: "Many guys fear that they will meet the one they really love after they get married." But it's another to wonder: really? would you dump me for Scarlett Johansson? Will you meet someone you really "love" if one day we get married?
I know it sounds crazy, but once the thoughts started, it's hard to stop them. During the rest of the night, I tried to start the conversation several times. My boyfriend, apparently not interested, paid no attention to my questions. His aloofness almost got me angry. So the night ended with me going to bed unhappily, without my questions being answered.
I know my questions would never be answered. But I blame the movie for giving me a bad mood. The conclusion is, you can watch all kinds of movies with your boyfriend: horror movies, war movies, sci-fi movies, comedies, or even sometimes, pornography, but DON'T watch love movies with him. It makes you doubt, and doubts make you crazy!
Let alone the fact that most guys don't like the "chick flick" thing; unless you and your loved one are a happy couple like in the love movies--unfortunately, most of us are not--love movies could create a lot of awkwardness; or even endanger your relationship.
As women, we like to think, compare, and then think again. A love movie, essentially, is a combination of plots which we can reflect on our own relationship and make comparison. Well that creates troubles. Because men don't like you to do that. I don't even know why. But let me be cynical: they don't feel comfortable talking about certain things in your relationship because they know the truth is painful?
Last night, I watched He's Just Not That Into You with my boyfriend. It's not a great movie, honestly.
But it's fun to watch other people make mistakes in their relationship. As the movie went on, I started to regret my decision. It's one thing to listen to my boyfriend praising: "Scarlett Johansson is hot!" or commenting: "Many guys fear that they will meet the one they really love after they get married." But it's another to wonder: really? would you dump me for Scarlett Johansson? Will you meet someone you really "love" if one day we get married?
I know it sounds crazy, but once the thoughts started, it's hard to stop them. During the rest of the night, I tried to start the conversation several times. My boyfriend, apparently not interested, paid no attention to my questions. His aloofness almost got me angry. So the night ended with me going to bed unhappily, without my questions being answered.
I know my questions would never be answered. But I blame the movie for giving me a bad mood. The conclusion is, you can watch all kinds of movies with your boyfriend: horror movies, war movies, sci-fi movies, comedies, or even sometimes, pornography, but DON'T watch love movies with him. It makes you doubt, and doubts make you crazy!
High-thigh boots in the 1960s
Thight-high boots are hot now--they were forty years ago.
Image and Introduction from LIFE Images.
Local news cameraman aiming his camera at fashion model Donyale Luna, seen from hips down, who is wearing thigh-high leather boots as local women enjoy fashion show.
Location: | Sydney, Australia |
Date taken: | 1967 |
Image and Introduction from LIFE Images.
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